Canon Street Medical Centre


We offer a broad range of specialised clinics within our practice. Please check with the surgery when you make your appointment, as the day on which a particular clinic runs can occasionally change.

Contraception, Smears and Sexually-transmitted Diseases Advice

Provides contraceptive advice and treatment, with management of “Well Woman” issues.
The clinic is run daily by the Doctor/ Nurse.

Contraceptive Emergencies

If you have unprotected intercourse, then you mat be at risk of getting pregnant. It is possible to try and prevent accidental pregnancy with the post-coital pill. Emergency contraception pills can be taken up to 72 hours later. After 72 hours it may still be possible to use other methods. There can be no substitute for having a reliable and ongoing contraception cover if you are at risk of getting pregnant.

If you require emergency contraception then come to the surgery and see one of the doctors.

We will also be happy to discuss other methods of contraception with you. Do not leave it until it becomes an emergency, come and discuss your contraception needs before any accidents occur.

We offer both full antenatal care and counselling for termination (abortion) requests.

Asthma Clinic

This clinic is run by the nurse by appointment, as required.

Diabetic Clinic

The clinic aims to assess and treat diabetes. An appointment can be booked with the Healthcare Assistant, by appointment as required.

Phlebotomy Clinic

The phlebotomy clinic runs every Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 9am to 2pm.

Maternity clinic

An ante-natal clinic is held by the midwife once every two weeks on Wednesday morning from 9.30am to 12pm.  The midwife delivers parental education and information in the pre-natal, ante-natal and post-natal periods.